The Influence of Mild Hypothermia on the Pharmacokinetics and Time Course of Action of Neostigmine in Anesthetized Volunteers


Heier Tom1,Clough David2,Wright Peter M. C.3,Sharma Manohar L.4,Sessler Daniel I.5,Caldwell James E.3


1. Assistant Professor of Anesthesia. Current position: Consultant Anaesthetist, Ullevaal University, Norway.

2. Assistant Professor of Anesthesia. Current position: Consultant, Monklands District General Hospital, United Kingdom.

3. Professor of Anesthesia.

4. Research Chemist, University of California, San Francisco.

5. Associate Dean for Research, Director Outcomes Research™ Institute, Weakley Distinguished University Professor, and Acting Chair in Anesthesiology, University of Louisville; Professor and Vice-Chair, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.


Background The pharmacokinetics, maximum effect, and time course of action of neostigmine were studied in seven human volunteers. Methods Each volunteer was studied twice, during both normothermia and hypothermia. Anesthesia was induced with 30 microg/kg alfentanil and 3 mg/kg propofol, and was maintained with 60-70% nitrous oxide and 0.7-0.9% isoflurane. The mechanical response of the adductor pollicis to train-of-four stimulation of the ulnar nerve was recorded, and central body temperature maintained stable at either less than 34.5 degrees C or greater than 36.5 degrees C by surface cooling or warming. Before neostigmine administration, a stable 5% twitch height was obtained by an infusion of vecuronium, and the infusion rate remained unchanged thereafter. Neostigmine, 70 microg/kg, was then infused over 2 min, and blood samples for estimation of neostigmine concentrations were collected at intervals for 240 min. Results With hypothermia, the central volume of distribution of neostigmine decreased by 38%, and onset time of maximum effect increased (4.6 vs. 5.6 min). Hypothermia did not change the clearance (696 ml/min), maximum effect, or duration of action of neostigmine. Conclusions The efficacy of neostigmine as an antagonist of vecuronium-induced neuromuscular block is not altered by mild hypothermia.


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Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

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