Guidance on conducting methodological studies – an overview


Khalil Hanan1,Munn Zachary2


1. La Trobe University, School of Psychology and Public Health, Department of Public Health, Melbourne

2. The Joanna Briggs Institute, The University of Adelaide, North Adelaide, South Australia, Australia


Purpose of review Methodological studies are defined as studies that are used to develop the validity and reliability of instruments or methods to measure constructs used as variables in research. Other terms used to describe them include methodological review, meta-epidemiological review and research on research. Methodological studies have previously been used to examine the characteristics of certain tools or methods used in research, to examine the adherence of reporting guidelines by researchers, to advance the methodology of certain methods, to examine the heterogeneity and exploring causes of research methodologies and to develop new methodologies. Recent findings To date, the guidance to undertake methodological studies is limited. Some studies used either systematic, scoping or mapping approach to undertake them. This narrative review will present a summary of published methodological studies guidance for researchers to consider in the future. Summary This article presented a detailed summary of published methodological studies ranging from methods, naming, database searching, data selection and reporting. To date, there is no clear consensus on how to report methodological studies. Further research is warranted in this area to produce robust guidance for undertaking methodological studies.


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