Lnc956 -TRIM28-HSP90B1 complex on replication forks promotes CMG helicase retention to ensure stem cell genomic stability and embryogenesis


Zhang Weidao12ORCID,Tang Min123ORCID,Wang Lin12ORCID,Zhou Hu4ORCID,Gao Jing4ORCID,Chen Zhongliang56ORCID,Zhao Bo2ORCID,Zheng Ping127ORCID


1. State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650223, China.

2. Key Laboratory of Animal Models and Human Disease Mechanisms of Yunnan Province, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650223, China.

3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 101408, China.

4. Department of Analytical Chemistry and CAS Key Laboratory of Receptor Research, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, China.

5. Key Laboratory of Adult Stem Cell Translational Research (Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences), Guizhou Medical University, Guiyang, China.

6. National Joint Local Engineering Laboratory for Cell Engineering and Biomedicine Technique, Guizhou Medical University, Guiyang, China.

7. KIZ/CUHK Joint Laboratory of Bioresources and Molecular Research in Common Diseases, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650223, China.


Replication stress is a major source of endogenous DNA damage. Despite the identification of numerous proteins on replication forks to modulate fork or replication machinery activities, it remains unexplored whether noncoding RNAs can localize on stalled forks and play critical regulatory roles. Here, we identify an uncharacterized long noncoding RNA NONMMUT028956 ( Lnc956 for short) predominantly expressed in mouse embryonic stem cells. Lnc956 is accumulated on replication forks to prevent fork collapse and preserve genomic stability and is essential for mouse embryogenesis. Mechanistically, it drives assembly of the Lnc956 -TRIM28-HSP90B1 complex on stalled forks in an interdependent manner downstream of ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related (ATR) signaling. Lnc956 -TRIM28-HSP90B1 complex physically associates with minichromosome maintenance proteins 2 (MCM2) to minichromosome maintenance proteins 7 (MCM7) hexamer via TRIM28 and directly regulates the CDC45-MCM-GINS (CMG) helicase retention on chromatin. The regulation of Lnc956 -TRIM28-HSP90B1 on CMG retention is mediated by HSP90B1’s chaperoning function. These findings reveal a player that actively regulates replisome retention to prevent fork collapse.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)










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