5200-Year-Old Acupuncture in Central Europe?


Dorfer Leopold1,Moser Maximilian1,Spindler Konrad2,Bahr Frank3,Egarter-Vigl Eduard4,Dohr Gottfried5


1. University of Graz, Graz A-8010, Austria.

2. University of Innsbruck, Austria.

3. German Academy of Acupuncture, D-81247 Munich, Germany.

4. Department of Pathological Anatomy and Histology, General Regional Hospital, Bozen/Bolzano-39100, Italy

5. University of Graz, Austria


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



Reference5 articles.

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4. Bahr F. Dorfer L. Suwanda S. presidents of the German Austrian and Swiss academies of acupuncture respectively.

5. zur Nedden D., Wicke K., in Der Mann im Eis, , Höpfel F., Platzer W., Spindler K., Eds. (Univ. of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 1992), vol. 1, pp. 131-148.

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4. Neuromodulation techniques for cancer pain management;Current Opinion in Supportive & Palliative Care;2021-03-31

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