Prevention of Allogeneic Fetal Rejection by Tryptophan Catabolism


Munn David H.1,Zhou Min1,Attwood John T.1,Bondarev Igor1,Conway Simon J.1,Marshall Brendan1,Brown Corrie1,Mellor Andrew L.1


1. D. H. Munn, M. Zhou, J. T. Attwood, I. Bondarev, S. J. Conway, B. Marshall, A. L. Mellor, Programs in Molecular Immunology and Developmental Biology, Institute of Molecular Medicine and Genetics, and Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Georgia (MCG), 1120 15th Street, Augusta, GA 30912, USA. C. Brown, Department of Pathology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA.


In 1953 Medawar pointed out that survival of the genetically disparate (allogeneic) mammalian conceptus contradicts the laws of tissue transplantation. Rapid T cell–induced rejection of all allogeneic concepti occurred when pregnant mice were treated with a pharmacologic inhibitor of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), a tryptophan-catabolizing enzyme expressed by trophoblasts and macrophages. Thus, by catabolizing tryptophan, the mammalian conceptus suppresses T cell activity and defends itself against rejection.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



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