Somatic mutant clones colonize the human esophagus with age


Martincorena Iñigo1ORCID,Fowler Joanna C.1ORCID,Wabik Agnieszka1ORCID,Lawson Andrew R. J.1ORCID,Abascal Federico1ORCID,Hall Michael W. J.12ORCID,Cagan Alex1,Murai Kasumi1,Mahbubani Krishnaa3ORCID,Stratton Michael R.1ORCID,Fitzgerald Rebecca C.2,Handford Penny A.4ORCID,Campbell Peter J.15,Saeb-Parsy Kourosh3ORCID,Jones Philip H.1ORCID


1. Wellcome Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.

2. MRC Cancer Unit, Hutchison-MRC Research Centre, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 0XZ, UK.

3. Department of Surgery and Cambridge NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, Biomedical Campus, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK.

4. Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QU, UK.

5. Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 2XY, UK.


The mutational burden of aging As people age, they accumulate somatic mutations in healthy cells. About 25% of cells in normal, sun-exposed skin harbor cancer driver mutations. What about tissues not exposed to powerful mutagens like ultraviolet light? Martincorena et al. performed targeted gene sequencing of normal esophageal epithelium from nine human donors of varying age (see the Perspective by Chanock). The mutation rate was lower in esophagus than in skin, but there was a strong positive selection of clones carrying mutations in 14 cancer-associated genes. By middle age, more than half of the esophageal epithelium was colonized by mutant clones. Interestingly, mutations in the cancer driver gene NOTCH1 were more common in normal esophageal epithelium than in esophageal cancer. Science , this issue p. 911 ; see also p. 893


Wellcome Trust

Medical Research Council

Cancer Research UK


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



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