Associations Between Physical Activity, Mental Health Concerns, Eating Disorder Symptoms, and Emotional Intelligence in Adolescent Athletes in the Post COVID-19 Pandemic Era


Firouzjah Morteza Homayounnia1,Hower Heather2,Shahrbanian Shahnaz3


1. Farhangian University

2. University of California at San Diego School of Medicine

3. Tarbiat Modarres University


Abstract Background: COVID-19 significantly disrupted the routines of school sports for adolescent athletes. In the post-pandemic era, athletes’ levels of physical activity (PA) may remain low, with ongoing mental health (MH) concerns, and exacerbated eating disorder (ED) symptoms. However, factors such as emotional intelligence (EI; the ability to understand and regulate emotions in oneself and others), may serve as a coping mechanism for altered PA, MH, and ED. Methods: Participants of the study included 315 Iranian adolescent athletes residing in Mazandaran province (one of the most affected areas of Iran during COVID-19), who played in 1 of 10 sports post quarantine restrictions (January 2022-January 2023). PA was assessed by the Physical Activity Stages of Change Questionnaire (PASCQ), MH concerns were assessed by the General Health Questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28), ED symptoms were assessed by the Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26), and EI was assessed by the Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT). Results: There was a significant positive relationship between PASCQ and GHQ-28 (p = .038; as PA increased, MH increased), and a negative relationship between EAT-26 and GHQ-28 (p = -.041; as ED increased, MH decreased). Nevertheless, there was a positive relationship between SSEIT and GHQ-28 (p= .028; as EI increased, MH increased), and a negative relationship between SSEIT and EAT-26 (p = -.038; as EI increased, ED decreased). Conclusions: The study has limitations which future research should address. However, the findings highlight the need for sports professionals working with adolescent athletes in the post COVID-19 era to monitor the status of PA, MH, and ED, and promote EI coping skills, to provide early intervention, and mitigate long-term consequences.


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