Patient Perspectives on AI for Mental Health: With Great [Computing] Power, Comes Great Responsibility


Benda Natalie C.1,Desai Pooja M.1,Reza Zayan1,Zhang Anna2,Kumar Shiveen3,Harkins Sarah3,Hermann Alison4,Zhang Yiye4,Joly Rochelle4,Kim Jessica4,Pathak Jyotishman4,Turchioe Meghan Reading1


1. Columbia University

2. Stuyvesant High School

3. Cornell University

4. Weill Cornell Medicine


Abstract The application of predictive and generative artificial intelligence to health and healthcare is rapidly increasing. Several studies have assessed the attitudes of health professionals but far fewer have explored perspectives of patients or the general public. Studies investigating patient perspectives have focused on somatic issues including radiology, perinatal health, and general applications. Patient feedback has been elicited in the development of specific mental health solutions, but general perspectives towards AI for mental health have been under-explored. To address this gap, we surveyed a nationally representative sample of 500 United States-based adults on their perceived benefits, concerns, comfortability, and values on AI related to mental health. A plurality of participants believed AI may be beneficial for mental healthcare, but expressed concerns related to AI accuracy and loss of connection with their health professional. We also found differences in perspectives based on age, race, and health literacy.


Research Square Platform LLC

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