Identification of a novel alternative splicing isoform of the Hippo kinase STK3/MST2 with impaired tumor suppressor activities


Bruni-Cardoso Alexandre1ORCID,Rodrigues Ana,Fiore Ana,Guardia Gabriela,Tomasin Rebeka,Teixeira André,Giordano Ricardo2ORCID,Pagano Michele3ORCID,Galante Pedro4ORCID


1. University of Sao Paulo

2. University of Sao Paulo

3. New York University School of Medicine and HHMI

4. Hospital Sirio-Libanes


Abstract Mammalian Ste-20-like Kinases 1 and 2 (MST1/2) are core serine-threonine kinases of the Hippo pathway regulating several cellular processes, including cell cycle arrest and cell death. Here, we discovered a novel alternative splicing variant of the MST2 encoding gene, STK3, in malignant cells and tumor datasets. This variant, named STK3∆7 or MST2∆7 (for mRNA or protein, respectively), resulted from the skipping of exon 7. MST2∆7 exhibited increased ubiquitylation and interaction with the E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CHIP compared to the full-length protein (MST2FL). The exon 7 in STK3 encodes a segment within the kinase domain, and its exclusion compromised interaction of MST2∆7 with MOB, a major MST1/2 substrate. Unlike MST2FL, overexpression of MST2∆7 did not lead to increased cell death and growth arrest. Strikingly, we observed exclusion of STK3 exon 7 in 3.2–15% of tumor samples from patients of several types of cancer, while STK3∆7 was seldomly found in healthy tissues that we analyzed. Our study identified a novel STK3 splicing variant with loss-of-function and potential to disturb tissue homeostasis by impacting the tumor suppressor activities of MST2 in regulation of cell death and quiescence.


Research Square Platform LLC

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