Mpox, STIs, and HIV in the LGBTQIA2S+ Community: What can be learned from bibliometric analysis?


Adnyana I Made Dwi Mertha1ORCID


1. Associate Epidemiologist, Indonesian Society of Epidemiologists


Abstract The LGBTQIA2S + community is vulnerable to health problems, including triple-burden diseases such as Mpox, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and HIV positivity. This zoonotic disease is a global health burden in nonendemic countries. With increasing cases of the three diseases, this community faces various threats, obstacles, and challenges. This review aimed to identify the threats and barriers to triple-burden disease, including mpox infection, STIs, and HIV infection, simultaneously in LGBTQIA2S + populations. A bibliometric study approach was used to map these three diseases' research journeys and findings worldwide. The LGBTQIA2S + community faced distinct health disparities, including the triple disease burden, which refers to the higher prevalence and impact of multiple health conditions in this group. Although there has been no specific research on the triple burden of Mpox, STIs, and HIV in the LGBTQIA2S + community, this population faces various direct and indirect threats and barriers. These include stigma, discrimination, a lack of culturally competent care, limited resource access, and mental health effects. A comprehensive approach that includes destigmatization efforts, education, accessible healthcare services, and mental health support is necessary to address these challenges and improve the LGBTQIA2S + community's overall health outcomes. Promoting inclusivity, understanding, and awareness is essential to reduce community barriers and improve health.


Research Square Platform LLC

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