How do Adult-Child Caregivers Maintain Subjective Well-Being? The Reciprocal Suppression Effect from Caregiver Burden and Sense of Coherence


Ma Xinyue1ORCID,Zheng Peiqi1,Guo Ruiyuan1,Du Mengqi1,Ran Lingyun2


1. Teachers College, Columbia University

2. Nursing School of Kunming Medical University


Abstract Background: Adult children are primarily responsible for the older adults of the family in China. It remained in the question how caregiver burden not necessarily poses a threat on adult children’s subjective well-being. This study aimed to examine the interacting effect between caregiver burden and sense of coherence on maintaining subjective well-being among adult-child caregivers. Methods: A total of 336 adult-child caregivers participated in this study. The Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI), Sense of Coherence scale (SOC-13), and Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness (MUNSH) were used to measure participants’ caregiver burden, sense of coherence, and subjective well-being respectively. Results: Results showed that when sense of coherence was included, the negative effect of caregiver burden on subjective well-being increased from - .279 to - .310. Likewise, when caregiver burden was included, the positive effect of sense of coherence on subjective well-being increased from .256 to .352. The analysis of hierarchical regression towards subjective well-being indicated that caregiver burden explained 15.1% of the variance (ΔR2 = .151, p < .01) while sense of coherence explained 5.6% (ΔR2 = .056, p < .01). Conclusion: This study explored the reciprocal suppression effect between caregiver burden and sense of coherence to the maintenance of the subjective well-being of adult-child caregivers in China. According to this study, adult children who take on the role of caregiving can maintain adequate subjective well-being by strengthening their intrinsic psychological resource - sense of coherence.


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