Multiphase superconductivity at the interface between ultrathin FeTe islands and Bi2Te3


Tkáč Vladimir1,Vorobiov Serhii2,Baloh Pavlo2,Vondracek Martin3ORCID,Springholz Gunther4,Carva Karel1ORCID,Szabó Pavol5,Hofmann Philip6,Honolka Jan7


1. Charles University

2. P. J. Šafárik University

3. Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

4. Johannes Kepler University of Linz

5. Centre of Low Temperature Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics SAS, and P. J.Safarik University

6. Aarhus University

7. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic


Abstract FeTe monolayer islands situated on a topological insulator Bi2Te3 (0001) surface were recently reported to exhibit the opening of an energy gap below temperatures T ~ 6 K, which can be due to a superconducting phase transition. In this work, we present a magnetic field dependent transport study proving that this gap is indeed of superconducting origin. Upon cooling, several drops in resistance are observed in the temperature range between 6 K and 2 K, indicating multiple transitions. Using the Ginzburg-Landau theory, we show that the critical magnetic field of the dominant high-temperature transition at ~ 6 K is governed by orbital Cooper pair breaking in larger FeTe islands, large enough to exceed the superconductive coherence length\(\xi\). At smaller island sizes, transitions at lower temperatures < 6 K become more prominent, showing significantly increased critical fields dominated by paramagnetic pair breaking. The multiphase superconducting behavior is in line with an observed wide distribution of FeTe islands width 5 nm − 100 nm and seems to reflect disorder effects at the interface to Bi2Te3. The proof of local superconductivity makes the FeTe interface to the topological insulator Bi2Te3 substrate a potential host of topological superconductivity.


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