Right Atrial Myxoma- a Rare Obstructive Free Floating Pedunculated Cardiac Tumor




1. Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research

2. Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, Madras Medical College

3. Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital, Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research


Abstract Atrial myxoma is a rare cardiac disease but has a broad clinical presentation and complication that involves in heart, lungs, brain, and systemic circulation, among them right atrial myxoma is too rare. Commonly atrial myxomas are often pedunculated and soft in texture, it may be intact or free floated in the upper chambers of heart. The myxoma diameter varies from 10 to 150 mm with a weight of between 15 and 180 grams, which is present by a smooth, villous, soft or friable surface. The embolic events are associated with villous and friable myxomas, while the smooth myxomas are associated with obstructive type and are usually large in size. Proper preoperative evaluation and multidisciplinary teamwork helps to improve the post operative outcome, at the same time it reduces the intraoperative risks and increases the chance of survival of the patient. In this case study we had presented a successful excision of rare case of large free-floating pedunculated right atrial myxoma.


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