Screening for SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses in urban pigeons (Columbiformes) from the North of Spain under a ‘One Health’ perspective


Portillo Aránzazu1,Cervera-Acedo Cristina1,Palomar Ana M.1,Ruiz-Arrondo Ignacio1,Santibáñez Paula1,Santibáñez Sonia1,Oteo José A.1


1. Hospital Universitario San Pedro-Centro de Investigación Biomédica de La Rioja (HUSP-CIBIR)


Abstract Coronaviruses have a major impact on human and animal health. As an example, SARS-CoV-2, a Beta-coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, continues circulating and causing human deaths, and its high replication rate results in numerous variants. Coronaviruses are adapted to birds and mammals and constitute serious threats. They are able to accumulate mutations, and the emergence of new viruses by recombination of SARS-CoV-2 with other coronaviruses is likely. Urban pigeons (Columbiformes) are synanthropic birds of great interest from a "One Health" perspective, due to their interaction with humans and other animals. Aware that pigeons may act as reservoirs of viruses and contribute to their spread, we aimed to investigate the possible presence of SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses in pigeons in Logroño city, Spain. Oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs from 203 Columbiformes were collected in August/September 2021, and January/February 2022. SARS-COV-2 was screened by real-time PCRs targeting N1 in all specimens and, subsequently, targeting E gene in 10% of random samples. In addition, PCRs of two RdRp gene regions from all coronaviruses were performed. SARS-CoV-2 was not detected in any sample, whereas coronavirus RNA was found in 13.3% pigeons. RdRp nucleotide sequences showed maximum similarity (96.1–97.2%) with those of Gamma-coronavirus (Igacovirus), found in Columbiformes, mainly in Finland, Poland and China. Monitoring the emergence of recombinant viruses should continue, since SARS-CoV-2 still circulates and there are other coronaviruses in animals in close contact with humans. The presence of Gamma-coronavirus in urban pigeons must be considered for the risk surveillance of human infections.


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