Mitochondrial Transfer/Transplant in Skin: Reducing ROS Damage, Enhancing Proliferation and Wound Healing


Peñaherrera Sebastian1,Robayo Paola1,Villagomez Andrés2,Borja Tatiana3,Arteaga María Belén4,Benavides-Almeida Abigail1,Pérez-Meza Álvaro5,Haro-Vinueza Alissen1,Segnini Gilberto2,Pontón Patricia3,Torres Fernando1,Donoso Gustavo2,Suquillo Daniela6,Santos Lucas Ferreira dos7,Arizo Pamela2,Tenesaca Domenica8,Antilef Barba9,Zabala Gabriela10,Barba Diego1,Aponte Pedro2,Cabrera Francisco2,Luz Patricia10,Moya Ivan8,Mitrani María Ines11,Khoury Maroun10,Nova-Lamperti Estefanía9,Burzio Verónica12,Díaz Ramiro5,Maron-Guitierrez Tatiana7,Caicedo Andrés1


1. Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ

2. Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria

3. Hospital Voz Andes

4. University of Veterinary Medicine

5. Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, Hospital Docente de Especialidades Veterinarias

6. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biomedicina

7. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC), Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)

8. Universidad de Las Américas

9. Universidad de Concepción

10. Universidad de Los Andes

11. 4Mito-Act Research Consortium

12. Universidad Andrés Bello


Abstract The intricate cellular composition of the skin encompasses dynamic interactions among melanocytes, keratinocytes, and fibroblasts, crucial for protective responses to ultraviolet radiation (UVR), wound healing and aging. Recent insights underline mitochondrial transfer as pivotal in cellular repair, yet its occurrence between skin cells remains unclear. Our research probes mitochondrial exchanges between skin cells, especially post-UVR exposure, uncovering a predominance of transfer via tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) over microvesicles (MVs). Notably, fibroblasts show diminished mitochondrial acquisition, possibly accelerating aging and reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced damage. To counteract this, we subjected fibroblasts to UVR, augmenting ROS production, and then initiated Artificial Mitochondrial Transfer/Transplant (AMT/T) using Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as a source. This intervention markedly boosted fibroblast proliferation, countering the adverse effects of UVR-related stress reflected in reduced proliferation and escalated ROS levels. Investigating AMT/T's therapeutic potential, we applied MSC-sourced mitochondria to a mouse surgical wound model, resulting in a faster wound healing with minimal mitochondria (25 ng) and MSCs (250,000) introduced. These results emphasize mitochondrial transfer's critical role in skin cellular defense mechanisms, presenting a novel strategy for mitigating UVR-induced damage, enhancing wound recovery, and the potential shielding of skin from environmental stressors.


Research Square Platform LLC

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