In vitro chemopreventive activity and mechanism of action of p-coumaric acid in A431 cell line (Human epidermoid carcinoma cell)


Velusamy Pradeep1,Muthusami Sridhar1,Arumugam Ramakrishnan2


1. Karpagam academy of Higher Education, Deemed to be University

2. Karpagam Academy of Higher Education Deemed to be University


Abstract Over the past few decades, skin cancer incidence has increased on a global scale. The most frequent type of cutaneous cancer is nonmelanoma skin cancer. One of the most significant and persistent secondary metabolites in plants are phenolic chemicals. Various fruits, vegetables, and grains contain p-coumaric acid. Although studies hint at its anticancer potential, more research, including clinical trials, is needed for a complete understanding. Consuming these plants within a balanced diet, rather than as isolated supplements, may offer broader health benefits. Due to its known biological and pharmacological characteristics, such as its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, chemoprotective, and anticancer effects, p-coumaric acid has received a lot of interest. It is a promising anticancer agent with lower toxicity in human. Initially we performed MTT assay to understand the role p-coumaric acid in reducing mitochondrial activities of A431 cells, which revealed the IC50 value ± 52 µg/ml, which is similarly effective to the IC50 value of standard drug Imiquimod ± 52 µg/ml. To support this, we the performed mitochondrial membrane potential followed by ROS accumulation using DCF-DA. Then the cell cycle analysis was done to check the stage where p-coumaric acid is exerting inhibition/arrest. The ability to induce early/ late apoptosis was analyzed using flowcytometry. p-coumaric acid reduced the mitochondrial activity similar to the standard drug suggest the therapeutic usage of this compound. This is associated with increased ROS production and induction of cell cycle arrest and early apoptosis. p-coumaric acid is effective in reducing the survival and enhance apoptosis through ROS based mechanism.


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