Porcine model of airway epithelial cells: similarities and divergences with humans


Genna Vincenzo Giuseppe1,Adamo Davide1,Galaverni Giulia1,Lepore Fabio1,Boraldi Federica1,Quaglino Daniela1,Lococo Filippo2,Pellegrini Graziella1


1. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

2. Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS


Abstract Animal models are currently used in several fields of biomedical research as useful alternatives to human-based studies. However, the obtained results do not always effectively translate into clinical applications, due to interspecies anatomical and physiological differences. Detailed comparability studies are therefore required to verify whether the selected animal species could be a representative model for the disease or for cellular process under investigation. This has proven to be fundamental to obtaining reliable data from preclinical studies. Among the different species, swine is deemed an excellent animal model in many fields of biological research, and they have been largely used in respiratory medicine, considering the high homology between human and swine airways. In the context of in vitro studies, the validation of porcine airway epithelial cells as an alternative to human epithelial cells is crucial. In this paper, porcine and human tracheal and bronchial epithelial cells are compared in terms of in vivo tissue architecture and in vitro cell behaviour under standard and airlifted conditions, analyzing the regenerative, proliferative and differentiative potentials of these cells. We report multiple analogies between the two species, validating the employment of porcine airway epithelial cells for most in vitro preclinical studies, although with some limitations due to species-related divergences.


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