Unveiling the Mediating Role of Psychological Well-being on the Relationship Between Social Connections and Cognition: A Study of Indian Old-Age Homes


Mishra Bijeta1,Pradhan Jalandhar1,Dhaka Suman2


1. National Institute of Technology Rourkela

2. Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur


Abstract Background Research evidences suggest that factors like social isolation and loneliness fasten the process of inevitable cognitive decline among the older adults. This study examines the association of loneliness and social isolation with cognitive abilities of elderly individuals. It investigates how psychological well-being affects the relationship between loneliness, social isolation, and cognition in older persons. Method Data was collected from various old-age homes of Odisha, India. The study employed purposive sampling for selecting study participants, resulting in inclusion of 320 older persons (aged 60 years and above). Data collection involved use of standardised tests such as the Lubben Social Network Scale-6 (LSNS-6), Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale, Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), and Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scale. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics, intercorrelation, regression, and mediation analysis. Results The prevalence of social isolation and loneliness is high among older adults with 78 percent being lonely and socially isolated. A significant regression equation was obtained (F = 19.28, p < .01), indicating that loneliness had a substantial effect on the cognitive performance of older persons, as seen by an R2 value of 0.154. Furthermore, significant indirect impact on cognitive performance of individuals due to both social isolation (z= -4.71**) and loneliness (z = 4.03**), mediated by psychological well-being was observed. Conclusion The study indicates that social isolation, loneliness, and psychological well-being are pivotal factors that influence cognition. The findings can be utilised to develop strategies for addressing loneliness and social isolation, prevent faster cognitive decline, and enhance psychological well-being of older adults; thereby ensuring a fulfilling senescence for the older adults.


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