Brief, Real-Time Reflections: An Efficient, Contextual, and Familiar Variation of Narrative Medicine: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis


Hilgeman Brian1,Kurtz Kevin2,Hoeschen Mary1,Hovis Zachary3,Harrison Rachele3,Minshew Lana3


1. Medical College of Wisconsin

2. Medical College of Wisconsin Medical School

3. Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy


Abstract Background Narrative medicine is a widely used pedagogic tool but can be detached from the clinic context and unfamiliar to students. Brief real-time reflections could be a method of narrative medicine that is contextual, familiar, and convenient. Methods Fourth year medical students completed 280-character reflections immediately after patient interactions while rotating in a primary care clinic serving complex patients. Three researchers used qualitative methods to develop a codebook to describe the reflections and an independent auditor verified codebook application. Student feedback regarding their experience writing reflections was elicited on a Likert scale to understand student perspectives on the tool about ease of use, empathy, and remembering patient interactions. Results Eighteen students completed 131 reflections during 64 clinics; an average of 2.04 reflections per clinic and spent an average of 4.39 minutes on each reflection. Three codes were elicited to describe the content of reflections: descriptive, emotional, and cognitive. The most frequently identified code was cognitive (n = 84, 41%), with descriptive (n = 69, 33%) and emotional (n = 53, 26%) being less frequent. Reflections could contain one or a combination of codes. The most common reflection was cognitive-only (n = 43, 33%) followed by a combination of descriptive and emotional (n = 24; 18%). Most students agreed or strongly agreed that reflections helped them think more deeply about (9/9, 100%) and remember (8/9, 89%) patient interactions and were a good use of their time (7/9, 78%). Conclusions Brief, real-time reflections are a tool that allow medical students to reflect upon their clinical experiences in a complex and cognitive way and was well-received by students.


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