The Gut-Brain Axis System: A Genetic Perspective on Smoking and Glioma Risk Using Mendelian Randomisation and Toxicogenomics


Hou Weiyu1,Zhang Jiachen1,Zhao Xueming2


1. Department of Neurosurgery, The First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, No.85 Jiefang South Road, 030012, Taiyuan, Peoples’ Republic of China

2. Department of Neurosurgery, The First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, No.85 Jiefang South Road, 030012, Taiyuan, Peoples’ Republic of China.


Abstract Several exposure factors are believed to increase the risk of glioma development and metastasis. However, few researches have figured out the mechanism behind it. In recent years, mendelian Randomisation studies have been popular to look for causality from a genetic perspective. Our study has found strong causality between nicotine consumption and glioma, and we have further investigated the specific molecules involved to provide a clearer explanation. We based our research on the gut-brain axis theory. The results not only indicate high independent risk of smoking on glioma, but also contribute to the development of gut-brain axis theory in the field of tumorigenesis, thereby promoting future advances in tumor therapy.


Research Square Platform LLC

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