The perceptions of physicians regarding the medical cannabis reform and the treatment of medical cannabis in Israel




1. Netanya Academic College

2. Ruppin Academic College: Ruppin Academic Center

3. Ariel University


Abstract Background The medical world is mired in conflict between the growing demand for medical cannabis treatment by patients, and the lack of sufficient research evidence on the effectiveness and safety of the use of medical cannabis. The main goal of the study was to examine what are the physicians' perceptions regarding the medical cannabis reform in Israel and the treatment of medical cannabis? Methods 105 physicians from hospitals fill out perception questionnaires characterized the physicians' perceptions regarding the cannabis reform and the treatment of medical cannabis. Results The analysis of the questionnaires revealed that the physicians believe that the cannabis reform contributes to the regulation of the treatment of medical cannabis and that there is indeed an openness in the medical community to the treatment of medical cannabis. Nonetheless, physicians do not perceive medical cannabis treatment as better than other treatments. The analysis of the perceptions of the physicians in relation to their background characteristics revealed that male physicians believe that the contribution of the cannabis reform in Israel is significant and that there is greater openness regarding the treatment of medical cannabis among the medical community compared to the perceptions of female physicians. Young physicians are more open to treatment using medical cannabis compared to veteran physicians. Physicians who work in the field of oncology and/or when their family member or close friend needs medical cannabis treatment, are more supportive of medical cannabis treatment. Conclusions In general, the more the physician believe that there is openness among his professional community to the treatment of medical cannabis, the more open he is to treatment using medical cannabis.


Research Square Platform LLC

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