Insights into incipient oral squamous cell carcinoma: A comprehensive South-American study


Saldivia-Siracusa Cristina1,Araújo Anna Luíza Damaceno1,Arboleda Lady Paola Aristizabal1,Abrantes Thamiris2,Ramos Mariana Bitu3,Mendonça Nathalia3,Torres Karina Cordero4,Gilligan Gerardo5,Piemonte Eduardo5,Panico René5,Álves Fábio De Abreu3,Villarroel-Dorrego Mariana6,Pérez Raiza Toro6,Romañach Mário José2,Abrahão Aline Corrêa2,González-Arriagada Wilfredo Alejandro7,Hunter Keith D8,Ribeiro Ana Carolina Prado9,Lopes Marcio Ajudarte1,Vargas Pablo Agustin1,Santos-Silva Alan Roger1


1. State University of Campinas

2. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

3. AC Camargo Hospital

4. University of Valparaíso

5. National University of Córdoba

6. Central University of Venezuela

7. Universidad de Los Andes, Chile

8. University of Liverpool

9. Hospital Sírio-Libanês


Abstract Background To describe demographic and clinicopathological aspects of a South-American cohort of incipient oral squamous cell carcinoma patients. Methods A cross-sectional, observational study was performed to assess demographic and clinicopathological characteristics of incipient oral squamous cell carcinoma patients from 6 South-American institutions. Results One hundred and seven patients within the histopathological spectrum of incipient oral squamous cell carcinoma (in-situ and microinvasive) were included. Fifty-eight (54.2%) patients were men with a mean age of 60.69 years. Forty-nine (45.8%) and thirty-nine (36.5%) patients had history of tobacco and alcohol use, respectively. Clinically, most of the lesions were plaques (82.2%), ≥ 2 cm in extension (72%), affecting the lateral border of the tongue (55.1%), and soft palate (12.1%) with a mixed (white and red) appearance. Eighty-two (76.7%) lesions were predominantly white and 25 (23.3%) predominantly red. Conclusions To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest cohort of incipient oral squamous cell carcinoma patients, which raises awareness of clinicians’ inspection acuteness by demonstrating the most frequent clinical aspects of this disease, potentially improving oral cancer secondary prevention strategies.


Research Square Platform LLC

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