Statistical approach for the imputation of long- term seawater data around the Korean Peninsula from 1966 to 2021


Kwak Myeong-Taek1,Lee Kyunghwan1,Ceong Hyi-Thaek2,Oh Seungwon3


1. Fishery Resource Management Research Institute based on ICT, Chonnam National University, Yeosu

2. Department of Multimedia, Chonnam National University, Yeosu

3. Artificial Intelligence Institute, Korea University, Seoul


Abstract Climate change is a global phenomenon that significantly impacts the ocean environment around the Korean Peninsula. These changes in climate can lead to rising sea temperatures, thereby significantly affecting marine life and ecosystems in the region. In this study, four statistical approaches were employed to analyze ocean characteristics around the Korean Peninsula: layer classification, imputation for replacing missing values, evaluation using statistical tests, and trend analysis. The ocean was first classified into three layers (surface layer, middle layer, and bottom layer) to characterize the sea area around Korea, after which multiple imputation methods were employed to replace missing values for each layer. The imputation method exhibiting the best performance was then selected by comparing the replaced missing values with high-quality data. Additionally, we compared the slope of the water temperature change around the Korean Peninsula based on two temporal inflection points (2000 and 2009). Our findings demonstrated that the long-term change in water temperature aligns with previous studies. However, the slope of water temperature change has tended to accelerate since 2009.


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