Chemical pancreatectomy in non-human primates ablates the acini and ducts and enhances beta-cell function


Kalsi Ranjeet S.1,Kreger Alexander M.1,Saleh Mohamed1,Yoshida Shiho1,Sharma Kartikeya1,Fusco Joseph1,Saloman Jami L.2,Zhang Ting1,Thomas Madison1,Sehrawat Anuradha1,Wang Yan1,Reif Jason1,Mills Juliana1,Raad Sarah1,Zengin Bugra1,Gomez Ana1,Singhi Aatur3,Tadros Sameh1,Slivka Adam3,Esni Farzad1,Prasadan Krishna1,Gittes George1


1. UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh

2. University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

3. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center


Abstract Chronic pancreatitis is a debilitating disease affecting millions worldwide. These patients suffer from bouts of severe pain that are minimally relieved by pain medications and may necessitate major surgeries with high morbidity and mortality. Previously, we demonstrated that “chemical pancreatectomy,” a pancreatic intraductal infusion of dilute acetic acid solution, ablated the exocrine pancreas while preserving the endocrine pancreas. Notably, chemical pancreatectomy resolved chronic inflammation, alleviated allodynia in the cerulein pancreatitis model, and improved glucose homeostasis. Herein, we extensively tested the feasibility of a chemical pancreatectomy in NHPs and validated our previously published pilot study. We did serial computed tomography (CT) scans of the abdomen and pelvis, analyzed dorsal root ganglia, measured serum enzymes, and performed histological and ultrastructural assessments and pancreatic endocrine function assays.  Based on serial CT scans, chemical pancreatectomy led to the loss of pancreatic volume. Immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy demonstrated exocrine pancreatic ablation with endocrine islet preservation. Importantly, chemical pancreatectomy did not increase pro-nociceptive markers in harvested dorsal root ganglia. Also, chemical pancreatectomy improved insulin secretion to supranormal levels in vivo and in vitro. Thus, this study may provide a foundation for translating this procedure to patients with chronic pancreatitis or other conditions requiring a pancreatectomy.


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