AhR ligands from LGG metabolites promote piglet intestinal ILC3 activation and IL-22 secretion to inhibit PEDV infection


Wang Junhong1,Zhao Yibo1,Cui Tong1,Bao Hongyu1,Gao Ming1,Cheng Mingyang1,Sun Yu1,Lu Yiyuan1,Guan Jiayao1,Zhang Di1,Jiang Yanlong1,Huang Haibin1,Shi Chunwei1,Wang Jianzhong1,Wang Nan1,Hu Jingtao1,Yang Wentao1,Yang Guilian1,Zeng Yan1,Wang Chunfeng1,Cao Xin1


1. Jilin Agricultural University


Abstract In maintaining organismal homeostasis, gut immunity plays a crucial role. The coordination between the microbiota and the immune system through bidirectional interactions regulates the impact of microorganisms on the host. Our research focused on understanding the relationship between substantial changes in jejunal intestinal flora and metabolites and intestinal immunity during porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) infection in piglets. We discovered that Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) could effectively prevent PEDV infection in piglets. Further investigation revealed that LGG metabolites interact with type 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3) in the jejunum of piglets through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). This interaction promotes the activation of ILC3 cells and the production of interleukin-22 (IL-22). Subsequently, IL-22 facilitates the proliferation of IPEC-J2 cells and activates the STAT3 signaling pathway, thereby preventing PEDV infection. Moreover, the AhR receptor exerts its influence on various cell types within organoids, including intestinal stem cells (ISCs), Paneth cells, and enterocytes, fostering their growth and development, suggesting a broad impact of AhR on intestinal health. In conclusion, our study demonstrates the ability of LGG to modulate intestinal immunity and effectively prevent PEDV infection in piglets. These findings highlight the potential application of LGG as a preventive measure against viral infections in livestock.


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