Stigmatizing Attitudes Toward Patients with mental Disorders Among students in Jordan Universities


Alzu'bi Mohammad1,Samhouri Jehad Feras2,Swed Sarya3,Abdelgalil Mahmoud Shaban4,alkhawaldeh Ibraheem M5


1. Hashemite University Faculty of Medicine

2. University of Jordan

3. University of Aleppo

4. Ain Shams University

5. Mutah University


Abstract Purpose: This abstract examines stigma and attitudes towards mental illnesses among undergraduate students at Johannian universities. The study aims to evaluate the extent of stigmatization and associated factors. Methods: Three online questionnaires assessed depression, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and schizophrenia. Demographic data were collected via a Google Form from undergraduate students. Measures included age, gender, social status, personal and perceived stigma scales, social distance preferences, sources of information about mental illness, interventions, and supporting data. Results: A total of 1161 responses were collected, with 384 responses for the depression survey, 382 for the schizophrenia survey, and 395 for the GAD survey. Among the respondents, 57.7% were female, 29% were first-year college students, and 57% were medical students. Notably, 40% of participants had a history of mental illness, but only 0.04% had received psychological treatment. Websites and books were the most frequently mentioned sources of knowledge about mental health (79.4% and 73.7%, respectively). Statistically significant correlations between gender and population stigma were found in the surveys on depression and GAD, as well as depression and schizophrenia. Moreover, variations in personal opinions were observed based on gender in surveys on schizophrenia and depression, and between medical and non-medical students in surveys on depression and GAD. Conclusions: The study reveals a significant stigma among undergraduate students at Johannian universities towards individuals with mental illnesses, leading to a desire for social distance. To mitigate this stigma, anti-stigma programs should be implemented that promote societal acceptance and provide scientific information about mental illness.


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