Empathy, emotional intelligence and cohabitant caregiver stress: caring for persons with severe mental health disorders


Stovall Jeremiah1,Daniels Lori B.1,Slifka Laurie M.1


1. Keiser University, USA


Caregiving for persons with severe mental health disorders is associated with higher stress levels and a lower quality of life. As rates of mental health disorders increase worldwide, the need for assisting familial caregivers with strategies to reduce stress is paramount. The present study examines the relationships between empathy (cognitive and affective), emotional intelligence and stress in these caregivers. A parallel mediation model demonstrates that cognitive empathy, in particular, partially mediated the negative relationship between emotional intelligence and stress, indicating the importance of cognitive empathy in caregiving. The results of this study can help design targeted interventions to reduce caregiver stress.


Bristol University Press


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Health Policy,Sociology and Political Science,Health (social science)

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1. Editorial;International Journal of Care and Caring;2023-11








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