Being able to provide sufficiently good care for older people: care workers and their working conditions in Finland


Mathew Puthenparambil Jiby1


1. University of Jyväskylä, Finland


This study examines whether care workers in Finland feel able to provide adequate care for older people and analyses the working conditions that limit them from providing it. One third of the respondents felt that they were not able to provide sufficient care for older people. This was seen as being due to excessive workloads, a general lack of staff and accompanying physical and mental burdens. Improving care workers’ working conditions would enhance their work–life balance and allow them to help older people avoid situations of care poverty, that is, to receive the level of care they deserve.


Bristol University Press


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Health Policy,Sociology and Political Science,Health (social science)

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1. Editorial;International Journal of Care and Caring;2023-11







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