
Tynyo Yaroslav Yaroslavovich,Yarygina Elena Igorevna,Ustinova Varvara Andreevna,Vidrashko Magdalena Trofimovna,Morozova Galina Vadimovna


Studies have been conducted to assess the effectiveness of the drug "Allokin-alpha" in the simulation of experimental viral infection in vivo at an agricultural poultry (day-old chickens) including: vaccination vaccine strain of HTV, monitoring of vaccinated poultry, the taking the study material from the vaccinated poultry, obtaining test material (an extract of feather follicles) from vaccinated birds. Specific antigen was detected in the epithelium of feather follicles by the diffusion precipitation in a gel). The results of the dynamics of antigen detection in the material obtained from the chickens to confirm the effectiveness of the "Allokin-alpha" as an antiviral in the simulation of experimental viral infection of birds by the introducing of the vaccine strain of HTV. There was an increase in the number of positive results of DPR for the indication of HTV antigen depending on the time of application of the "Allokin-alpha". With the introduction of Allokin on the 10th day after the vaccination of the HTV (group No. 7), the number of positive results of the DPR was 33% versus 50% for the study of samples from birds administered on days 5 and 15 (groups Nos. 6 and 8) (samples were taken on the 28th day). The dynamics of antigen detection in the extract from the feather follicles of vaccinated chickens in the diffusion precipitation reaction revealed that the drug "Allokin-alpha" is not species-specific, it is effective as an antiviral in the simulation of experimental viral infection of birds by introducing the vaccine strain of HTV. In order to clarify the possibilities of the drug when working with other animal species, it is necessary to conduct experiments on cattle, pigs, cats and dogs, and also in fur farming.



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