Sacral fractures: issues, challenges, solutions


Santolini Emmanuele12,Kanakaris Nikolaos K.2,Giannoudis Peter V.23


1. Academic Unit of Trauma and Orthopaedics, University of Genoa, Italy

2. Academic Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics, LGI, University of Leeds, UK

3. NIHR Leeds Biomedical Research Center, Chapel Allerton Hospital, Leeds, UK


Sacral fractures are a heterogeneous group of fractures occurring in young people following road traffic accidents and falls from height, or in the elderly with osteoporosis following trivial trauma. This heterogeneity, combined with the low incidence of sacral fractures, determines a lack of experience amongst physicians, often leading to misdiagnosis, underestimation and inadequate treatment. The diagnosis should be made by assessing specific features during the clinical presentation, while computed tomography (CT) scan continues to be the choice of investigation. Sacral fractures can be treated non-operatively or surgically. Non-operative treatment is based on rest, pain relief therapy and early mobilization as tolerated. Surgical techniques can be split into two main groups: posterior pelvic fixation techniques and lumbopelvic fixation techniques. Anterior pelvic fixation techniques should be considered when sacral fractures are associated with anterior pelvic ring injuries, in order to increase stability and reduce the risk of posterior implant failure. To improve fracture reduction, different solutions could be adopted, including special positioning of the patient, manipulation techniques and use of specific reduction tools. Patients suffering from spinopelvic dissociation with associated neurologic lesions hardly ever recover completely, with residual lower-limb neurologic sequelae, urinary problems and sexual disfunction. Herein, we present issues, challenges and solutions related to the management of sacral fractures. Cite this article: EFORT Open Rev 2020;5:299-311. DOI: 10.1302/2058-5241.5.190064




Orthopedics and Sports Medicine,Surgery







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