Differential requirement of Salvador-Warts-Hippo pathway members for organ size control in Drosophila melanogaster


Milton Claire C.1,Zhang Xiaomeng1,Albanese Nathaniel O.1,Harvey Kieran F.1


1. Cell Growth and Proliferation Laboratory, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, 7 St Andrews Place, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002, Australia and Department of Pathology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia.


The Salvador-Warts-Hippo (SWH) pathway contains multiple growth-inhibitory proteins that control organ size during development by limiting activity of the Yorkie oncoprotein. Increasing evidence indicates that these growth inhibitors act in a complex network upstream of Yorkie. This complexity is emphasised by the distinct phenotypes of tissue lacking different SWH pathway genes. For example, eye tissue lacking the core SWH pathway components salvador, warts or hippo is highly overgrown and resistant to developmental apoptosis, whereas tissue lacking fat or expanded is not. Here we explore the relative contribution of SWH pathway proteins to organ size control by determining their temporal activity profile throughout Drosophila melanogaster eye development. We show that eye tissue lacking fat, expanded or discs overgrown displays elevated Yorkie activity during the larval growth phase of development, but not in the pupal eye when apoptosis ensues. Fat and Expanded do possess Yorkie-repressive activity in the pupal eye, but loss of fat or expanded at this stage of development can be compensated for by Merlin. Fat appears to repress Yorkie independently of Dachs in the pupal eye, which would contrast with the mode of action of Fat during larval development. Fat is more likely to restrict Yorkie activity in the pupal eye together with Expanded, given that pupal eye tissue lacking both these genes resembles that of tissue lacking either gene. This study highlights the complexity employed by different SWH pathway proteins to control organ size at different stages of development.


The Company of Biologists


Developmental Biology,Molecular Biology








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