User Perceptions About Online Personal Data Transmissibility


Pincho Pedro1,Messias Inês2,Alturas Bráulio3ORCID


1. Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Portugal

2. Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, ISTAR-Iscte, Portugal

3. Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), ISTAR-Iscte, Portugal


The usage of consumers' personal data is considered by companies as capable of creating immense value in terms of business. The rise of using social networks to access users' shared information, gathering, processing, and using it, has become a normal proceeding by companies. This data represents value to entities that use them to reduce research costs to develop new products, as well as transaction costs while increasing their marketing incomes. The objective of this study is to determine what feelings are related to sharing personal data online. The research questionnaire for this study was developed through a literature review, later shared on social networks, with 103 valid answers having been collected. Data analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics and Excel programs. The results obtained allow us to understand what perceptions the population has regarding data sharing, suggesting that the individual perception of the transmissibility of personal data online is starting to be an area of interest for society since there is a greater awareness of the dangers online.


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