Potential Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Biomedical Research Applications


Uma S.1


1. Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India


Hospitals are experiencing an increase in patients due to the prevalence of chronic diseases and the growing elderly population. As a result, every day, a large volume of patient health data is generated, which must be stored and managed effectively. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has played a pivotal role in preventing, diagnosing, treating diseases and rehabilitating patients in the past few decades. Innovations and scientific breakthroughs have improved patient outcomes and population health as the healthcare industry has embraced the digital age. Hence, digital transformation is no longer an option, but rather an industry standard. Though, Biomedical engineering (BE) contributes to improving patient care quality, future healthcare applications will rely on AI enabled BE to solve complex healthcare issues. This book chapter uncovers the potential of AI and BE as a powerful tool for solving some of the most challenging issues of our age and brings comparable changes in scale to the renaissance, the Industrial Revolution in the healthcare sector.


IGI Global

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