A Brief Overview of Cyber Security Advances and Techniques Along With a Glimpse on Quantum Cryptography


Singh Vineeta1,Kaushik Vandana Dixit2


1. GLA University, Mathura, India

2. Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur, India


The vulnerability of wireless communication systems and technologies to various cyberattacks has been made public in recent years via different researchers; these cyberattacks not only impact private businesses but also government institutions. Sensitive and private data safety is a major challenge because of hackers since they are always trying to find loopholes in security models with different strong tactics and tools for cracking any sized keys. For minimizing such invasions, various developments have been made. This chapter carries out an in-depth study of several standard cyber security strategies currently in practice and the difficulties to be faced in cyber security practices. The modern efficient key systems are also shown, and the latest generation vulnerabilities are well described and reported. The advantages of quantum cryptography are highlighted along with its potential in the future. It presents a summarized glimpse in different aspects for novice researchers to educate themselves with recent developments in the cyber security field.


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