“It's Uncomfortable Being Closeted”


Hoffshire Mike1


1. University of California, Berkeley, USA


During career development, college students' interests develop through taking part in coursework and employment based occupational exploration. It has been speculated that because sexual identity development and vocational identity development are active during the same phase of life, these processes might exert influence on each other. This chapter draws upon the perspectives of nine LGBQ+ students, ranging in age from 19 - 24 years old, who have earned between 67 - 130 credit hours that represent a wide variety of majors. Data analysis from the study produced a number of significant findings related to LGBQ+ students and their career development, including the impact their sexual orientation had on their major selection, the perception it would have on their future career, and how higher education career service departments and counselors could be better equipped to assist them.


IGI Global

Reference84 articles.

1. Using Queer Theory to Explore Lesbian College Students’ Multiple Dimensions of Identity

2. BanduraA. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Prentice Hall.

3. Cocurricular and campus contexts;D.Bazarsky;New directions for student services: No. 152. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, and queer students in higher education: An appreciative inquirty,2015

4. Introduction to the Special Issue on “LGBTQ Campus Experiences”

5. Passing and Social Support Among Gay Men








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