Green Economy and Sustainable Development in India


Dhabliya Dharmesh1ORCID,Gupta Ankur2ORCID,Dari Sukhvinder Singh3ORCID,Dhabliya Ritika4,Dhablia Anishkumar5,Sakhare Nitin N.6ORCID,Pramanik Sabyasachi7ORCID


1. Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, India

2. Vaish College of Engineering, India

3. Symbiosis International University, India

4. Yashika Journal Publications Pvt. Ltd., India

5. Altimetrik India Pvt. Ltd., India

6. BRACT'S Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, India

7. Haldia Institute of Technology, India


The ideal strategy for transitioning to economies that are inclusive and sustainable has long been a topic of discussion, both domestically and internationally. India only recently became a member of the 2030 Agenda for Global Development and accepted the Paris Agreement. You may consider both triumphs as occurring at the same time. India just assumed two major new global obligations. The main topic of discussion in these talks is how to move toward diverse and environmentally conscious economies. India just made promises to the world. The primary objective of both agreements is to ensure that everyone lives a cozy, healthful, and ecologically responsible life. There is a common objective among these agreements. Achieving sustainable growth—a prerequisite for a green economy—requires us to expand our economies in ways that advance social justice, the environment, and equality. The lack of sustainable economic development makes the establishment of a green economy more challenging.


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