Multifactor Method of Design of an Effective Corporate Culture


Ceesay Adja R.1


1. University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, USA


Understanding corporate culture is vital to stand out in the market industries. Some companies like to run a business but struggle to reduce absenteeism, turnover, and retention. Organizations that do not have a noticeable corporate culture tend to face challenges due to poor management and a lack of resources to properly train their employees and provide them with the resources required to perform their jobs. Absenteeism, turnover, and retention have increased due to poor management, lack of support, and a toxic environment. Organizations that do not develop multi-level strategies, create implementation plans, and provide a healthy environment face challenges in creating a functional place. Leaders should work closely to formulate robust beliefs and values to shape their mission statement and make the corporate culture transparent by setting excellent communication channels to communicate the culture. Also, leaders who effectively share the business strategy have positive outcomes in building relationships and trust with their employees.


IGI Global

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