Rational Drug Design Rational Drug Design


Barakat Khaled H.1,Houghton Michael2,Tyrrel D. Lorne2,Tuszynski Jack A.2


1. University of Alberta, Canada & Fayoum University, Egypt

2. University of Alberta, Canada


For the past three decades rationale drug design (RDD) has been developing as an innovative, rapid and successful way to discover new drug candidates. Many strategies have been followed and several targets with diverse structures and different biological roles have been investigated. Despite the variety of computational tools available, one can broadly divide them into two major classes that can be adopted either separately or in combination. The first class involves structure-based drug design, when the target's 3-dimensional structure is available or it can be computationally generated using homology modeling. On the other hand, when only a set of active molecules is available, and the structure of the target is unknown, ligand-based drug design tools are usually used. This review describes some recent advances in rational drug design, summarizes a number of their practical applications, and discusses both the advantages and shortcomings of the various techniques used.


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1. ROLE OF COMPUTER AIDED DRUG DESIGN IN DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND DRUG DISCOVERY;International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research;2018-04-01








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