The use of chest ultrasonography in suspected cases of COVID-19 in the emergency department


Allegorico Enrico1,Buonerba Carlo23,Bosso Giorgio1,Pagano Antonio1,Porta Giovanni1,Serra Claudia1,Dolce Pasquale4,Minerva Valentina1,Vicario Ferdinando Dello1,Altruda Concetta1,Arbo Paola1,Russo Teresa1,Sio Chiara De5,Franco Nicoletta6,Ruffa Gianluca1,Mormile Cinzia1,Cannavacciuolo Francesca7,Mercurio Valentina4,Gervasio Gelsomina8,Costanzo Giuseppe Di8,Ragozzino Alfonso8,Scafuri Luca9,Facchini Gaetano10,Numis Fabio1


1. Department of Emergency Medicine “Santa Maria delle Grazie” Hospital, 80078 Pozzuoli, Italy

2. Department of Oncology & Hematology, Regional Reference Center for Rare Tumors, AOU Federico II of Naples, 80131 Naples, Italy

3. Centro di Referenza Nazionale per l’Analisi e Studio di Correlazione tra Ambiente, Animale e Uomo, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno, 80055, Portici (Na), Italy

4. Department of Public Health, Federico II University, 80131 Naples, Italy

5. Department of Medical & Surgical Sciences, Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, 80131 Naples, Italy

6. Internal Medicine, AOU Federico II of Naples, 80131 Naples, Italy

7. A.O.R.N.“San Giuseppe Moscati”, Internal Medicine Department, 83100 Avellino, Italy

8. Department of Diagnostic Imaging “Santa Maria delle Grazie” Hospital, 80078 Pozzuoli, Italy

9. Department of Clinical Medicine & Surgery, University Federico II of Naples, Via Pansini 5, 80131 Naples, Italy

10. Department of Hospital Medicine, Unit of Medical Oncology, ASL Napoli 2 Nord, “S.M. delle Grazie” Hospital, Pozzuoli (NA), Italy


Aim: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus-specific reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) represents the diagnostic gold standard. We explored the value of chest ultrasonography to predict positivity to SARS-CoV-2 on RT-PCR in suspected COVID-19 cases. Patients & methods: Consecutive patients with suspect COVID-19 were included if they had fever and/or history of cough and/or dyspnea. Lung ultrasound score (LUSS) was computed according to published methods. Results: A total of 76 patients were included. A 3-variable model based on aspartate transaminase (AST) > upper limit of normal, LUSS >12 and body temperature >37.5°C yielded an overall accuracy of 91%. Conclusion: A simple LUSS-based model may represent a powerful tool for initial assessment in suspected cases of COVID-19.


Future Science Ltd



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