Acute respiratory infections: current clinical recommendations. Focus on the issues of phytotherapy


Belov V.A., ,Karpova E.P.,Zaplatnikov A.L.,Girina A.A.,Lepiseva I.V.,Svintsitskaya V.I., , , , , ,


Since January 1, 2022, the provision of medical care in most common infectious and inflammatory human diseases as acute respiratory infections (ARI) has already been carried out according to the relevant clinical recommendations (CRs) approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Due to the fact that ARI in the vast majority of cases are caused by viruses, much attention is paid to rational antibiotic therapy and the use of phytopreparations as a reasonable alternative to down the growth rate of antibiotic resistance. The article highlights the therapeutic possibilities of modern phytotherapy in the treatment of children with the most common manifestations of ARI (rhinosinusitis, tonsillopharyngitis, bronchitis) based on the CRs. A brief description of etiological factors, clinical symptoms, and diagnostic characteristics is given. The article also presents the results of in vitro and in vivo work, pathogenetically substantiating the expediency of using phytopreparations in ARI, as well as clinical research data confirming their efficacy and safety, including in children. It is particularly noted that following the CRs concerning patient management with ARI will reduce the frequency of unjustified prescribing of antibacterial drugs and polypragmasia in general, as well as improve the medical care quality. KEYWORDS: acute respiratory infections, rhinosinusitis, tonsillopharyngitis, bronchitis, clinical recommendations, phytotherapy, evidence- based medicine. FOR CITATION: Belov V.A., Karpova E.P., Zaplatnikov A.L. et al. Acute respiratory infections: current clinical recommendations. Focus on the issues of phytotherapy. Russian Medical Inquiry. 2022;6(7):376–386 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.32364/2587-6821-2022-6-7-376-386.


LLC Russian Medical Journal


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1. Immunotherapy in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis;Terapevt (General Physician);2023-11-18







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