A Case Study for Critical Reagent Qualification for Ligand Binding Assays Using Equivalence Test Methodology


Niemuth Nancy A.ORCID,Triplett Cheryl A.,Anderson Michael S.,Sankovich Karen A.,Rudge Thomas L.


AbstractQualifying critical reagents in ligand binding assays by parallel testing of current and candidate reagent lots is recommended by regulatory agencies and industry groups, but specific guidance on the format of reagent qualification experiments is limited. Equivalence testing is a statistically sound approach that is consistent with the objective of critical reagent qualification. We present power analysis for equivalence regions ranging from 1.25- to 1.5-fold multiples of the GM ratio (centered on 1) of current and candidate lots, over a range of assay variability from 5 to 30% coefficient of variation (CV). A 1.25-fold equivalence region can be tested using 6 to 12 plates per lot for assays with up to 15% CV but is not practical for more variable assays. For these assays, wider equivalence regions are justified so long as care is taken to avoid assay drift and the assay remains suitable for the intended use. The equivalence test method is illustrated using historical data from passing and failing reagent qualification experiments. Simulation analysis was performed to support the design of qualification experiments using 6, 12, or 18 plates per lot over a broad range of assay variability. A challenge in implementing the equivalence test approach is selecting an appropriate equivalence region. Equivalence regions providing 90% power using 12 plates/lot were consistent with 1.5σ bounds, which are recommended for equivalence testing of critical quality attributes of biosimilars. Graphical Abstract


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Pharmaceutical Science

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