The spatial scaling of mutualistic network diversity


Sandor Manette EORCID,Tingley Morgan WORCID,Elphick Chris S


Abstract How species richness scales spatially is a foundational concept of community ecology, but how biotic interactions scale spatially is poorly known. Previous studies have proposed interactions-area relationships (IARs) based on two competing relationships for how the number of interactions scale with the number of species, the ‘link-species scaling law’ and the ‘constant connectance hypothesis.’ The link-species scaling law posits that the number of interactions per species remains constant as the size of the network increases. The constant connectance hypothesis says that the proportion of realized interactions remains constant with network size. While few tests of these IARs exist, evidence for the original interactions-species relationships are mixed. We propose a novel IAR and test it against the two existing IARs. We first present a general theory for how interactions scale spatially and the mathematical relationship between the IAR and the species richness-area curve. We then provide a new mathematical formulation of the IAR, accounting for connectance varying with area. Employing data from three mutualistic networks (i.e. a network which specifies interconnected and mutually-beneficial interactions between two groups of species), we evaluate three competing models of how interactions scale spatially: two previously published IAR models and our proposed IAR. We find the new IAR described by our theory-based equation fits the empirical datasets equally as well as the previously proposed IAR based on the link-species scaling law in one out of three cases and better than the previously-proposed models in two out of three cases. Our novel IAR improves upon previous models and quantifies mutualist interactions across space, which is paramount to understanding biodiversity and preventing its loss.


Center for Conservation and Biodiversity at the University of Connecticut

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of Connecticut

University of California Eastern Sierra Nevada Student Research Award

Directorate for Biological Sciences

Audubon Connecticut Important Bird Area Small Matching Grants Program

Eliza Buffington Fellowship from Vassar College

Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research

University of Connecticut Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

University of Connecticut, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Predoctoral Fellowship


IOP Publishing







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