The decline in adult book lending in UK public libraries and its possible causes


Grindlay Douglas J.C.,Morris Anne


Possible reasons for the decline in annual adult book issues from UK public libraries are reviewed. Annual book issues have been decreasing since 1980, due mainly to a decrease in issues of adult fiction and, to a lesser extent, adult non‐fiction. Possible intrinsic causes include cuts in book funds in real terms and reduced accessibility of libraries through library closures and reduced opening hours. One likely extrinsic cause is increased real households' disposable income since the late 1970s, which has expanded people's leisure opportunities and made it easy for them to buy books. The widespread use of home computers and the Internet in recent years is also likely to be a factor, but there is little evidence for a major role of increased television watching. There are some data to suggest that the average person in the UK now spends less time reading books and this, combined with the increase in consumer book purchasing, is probably the underlying cause of the decline in public library book lending.




Library and Information Sciences,Information Systems

Reference81 articles.

1. AGB Research Limited (1982), Trends in Television – An Annual Review, 1981, AGB Research, London.

2. AGB Research Limited (1983), Trends in Television – An Annual Review, 1982, AGB Research, London.

3. ASLIB (1995), Review of the Public Library Service in England and Wales for the Department of National Heritage: Summary and Schedule of Recommendations, ASLIB, London.

4. Audit Commission (1997), Due for Renewal: A Report on the Library Service, Audit Commission, London.

5. Audit Commission (2002), Building Better Library Services, Audit Commission, London.

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