Decoupling of catalysis and transition state analog binding from mutations throughout a phosphatase revealed by high-throughput enzymology


Markin Craig J.1ORCID,Mokhtari Daniel A.1ORCID,Du Siyuan12,Doukov Tzanko3ORCID,Sunden Fanny1ORCID,Cook Jordan A.1ORCID,Fordyce Polly M.4567ORCID,Herschlag Daniel148ORCID


1. Department of Biochemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

2. Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

3. Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Light Source, Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025

4. ChEM-H Institute, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

5. Department of Bioengineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

6. Department of Genetics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

7. Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, San Francisco, CA 94110

8. Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305


Using high-throughput microfluidic enzyme kinetics (HT-MEK), we measured over 9,000 inhibition curves detailing impacts of 1,004 single-site mutations throughout the alkaline phosphatase PafA on binding affinity for two transition state analogs (TSAs), vanadate and tungstate. As predicted by catalytic models invoking transition state complementary, mutations to active site and active-site-contacting residues had highly similar impacts on catalysis and TSA binding. Unexpectedly, most mutations to more distal residues that reduced catalysis had little or no impact on TSA binding and many even increased tungstate affinity. These disparate effects can be accounted for by a model in which distal mutations alter the enzyme’s conformational landscape, increasing the occupancy of microstates that are catalytically less effective but better able to accommodate larger transition state analogs. In support of this ensemble model, glycine substitutions (rather than valine) were more likely to increase tungstate affinity (but not more likely to impact catalysis), presumably due to increased conformational flexibility that allows previously disfavored microstates to increase in occupancy. These results indicate that residues throughout an enzyme provide specificity for the transition state and discriminate against analogs that are larger only by tenths of an Ångström. Thus, engineering enzymes that rival the most powerful natural enzymes will likely require consideration of distal residues that shape the enzyme’s conformational landscape and fine-tune active-site residues. Biologically, the evolution of extensive communication between the active site and remote residues to aid catalysis may have provided the foundation for allostery to make it a highly evolvable trait.


HHS | National Institutes of Health

Ono Pharma Foundation

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Gouvernement du Canada | Canadian Institutes of Health Research


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences



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