The characteristic signs and symptoms of mania and depression according to Kraepelin circa 1905: a comparison with DSM-III


Kendler Kenneth S.ORCID


AbstractAlthough the rise of operationalized diagnostic criteria and the creation of DSM-III were influenced in the USA by a neo-Kraepelinian ‘revival’ of interest in psychiatric nosology, Kraepelin was only a distal influence on the specific diagnostic criteria proposed. The historical origins of the DSM-III criteria for mania and major depression (MD) are traceable back to the 1950s and contain no direct link to Kraepelin's writings. George Dreyfus, a student and assistant to Kraepelin, authored in 1907 a monograph on Involutional Melancholia which reviewed cases seen by Kraepelin in Heidelberg. In this monograph, Dreyfus presents the ‘characteristic’ symptoms for mania and depression ‘as described by Kraepelin.’ This historical finding provides the unprecedented opportunity to examine the resemblance between the criteria proposed for mania and depression in DSM-III, inspired by Kraepelin's nosologic vision, and those specifically suggested by Kraepelin 73 years earlier. Kraepelin's symptoms and signs for mania paralleled seven of the eight DSM-III criteria (except the decreased need for sleep), with two not included in DSM-III (increased mental activity and short bursts of sadness). Kraepelin's signs and symptoms paralleled six of the nine DSM-III criteria for MD, lacking suicidal ideation and changes in appetite/weight and sleep but including obsessions, reduced expressive movements, and decreased mood responsiveness. Although Kraepelin's overall approach to mania and depression emphasized their close inter-relationship in the cyclic course of manic-depressive illness, it is noteworthy Kraepelin's ‘characteristic’ symptoms for mania and depression as described by Dreyfus, bear substantial but incomplete resemblance to the criteria proposed in DSM-III.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Psychiatry and Mental health,Applied Psychology

Reference23 articles.

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1. Network analysis of plasma proteomes in affective disorders;Translational Psychiatry;2023-06-09

2. Edward Spitzka's 1883 Textbook;Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease;2022-09-11

3. Kraepelin's final views on manic-depressive Illness;Journal of Affective Disorders;2021-03







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