Independence and Dependence for Older Adults with Osteoarthritis or Osteoporosis


Cott Cheryl A.,Gignac Monique A.M.


ABSTRACTThis study uses qualitative methods to explore subjective perceptions of independence and dependence for older adults with chronic musculoskeletal conditions. Twenty-seven in-depth interviews were conducted with community-dwelling older adults with osteoarthritis and/or osteoporosis in the greater Metropolitan Toronto area. Respondents shared similar overall perceptions of independence and dependence, but self-definitions as independent were related to domains of difficulty, coping skills used, assistive devices, and nature of the helping relationship. Three categories of respondents based on domains of difficulty (Community Mobility, Household Activities, and Personal Care) are used to illustrate how respondents negotiate their self-identities as independent in light of the other three factors.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Geriatrics and Gerontology,Community and Home Care,Gerontology,Health(social science)

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