The Danish Twin Register


Hauge M.,Harvald B.,Fischer M.,Gotlieb-Jensen K.,Juel-Nielsen N.,Raebild I.,Shapiro R.,Videbech T.


SummaryA description is given of the Danish Twin Register which is based on the total twin population born in Denmark in the years 1870-1910 with a more recent addition of all same-sexed pairs from the period 1911-1920. Twins belonging to pairs where one or both partners are found to have died before attaining the age of six years are disregarded in the more intensive studies whereas the remaining part of the twin population is being followed by periodical inquiries.The methods used in the collection of the material, in the establishment of the zygosity diagnosis and in specific investigations of selected diseases and abnormalities are described and discussed.A survey is given of the more important results of the research based on the Register. In the group of somatic diseases, greatest attention has so far been paid to malignant growths, diabetes mellitus and peptic ulcer. A number of psychiatric disorders and deviations are at present being studied with schizophrenia and criminality as the first subjects for intensive research. Some of the main results obtained are given as illustrations of the potentialities and scope of this approach to the application of twin studies in a broad variety of research areas.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Reference24 articles.


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3. Vorläufiger Bericht über psychiatrische Serienuntersuchungen an Zwillingen

4. Measures of twin concordance;Allen;Acta Genet. (Basel),1967

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1. A Unique Bond: Twin Bereavement and Lifespan Associations of Identical and Fraternal Twins;Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society;2022-03-21

2. Peopled By Data: Statistical Knowledge Practices, Population-Making, and the State;The Palgrave Handbook of the Anthropology of Technology;2022

3. The Danish Twin Registry: An Updated Overview;Twin Research and Human Genetics;2019-09-23

4. Twin studies for the prognosis, prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions;Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy;2018-05

5. Increased sensitivity to positive social stimuli in monozygotic twins at risk of bipolar vs. unipolar disorder;Journal of Affective Disorders;2018-05







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