The experimental reproduction of enterotoxaemia in piglets


Field H. I.,Goodwin R. F. W.


1. Whole cultures ofClostridium welchii, Type C (organisms plus toxin), produced enterotoxaemia and death when fed to new-born piglets.2. The disease could rarely be produced by suspensions of washed organisms given in the same way but was readily initiated by feeding bacteria-free toxin from Type C cultures.3. Piglets dying from enterotoxaemia induced by bacteria-free toxin showed all the extensive pathological changes of the natural disease; their intestines contained Type C organisms and far greater quantities of toxin than had been given by mouth.4. Type C organisms could not be demonstrated in the intestines of piglets from healthy litters of the same age, although such animals were carriers of the Type A strain.5. The clinical signs, with particular reference to the development of hypo-glycaemia, and the pathology of both natural and experimentally induced cases of enterotoxaemia are described.6. In the light of these findings the pathogenesis and epidemiology of enterotoxaemia in the piglet are discussed.We wish to thank Mrs B. L. Wardale and Mr P. J. D. V. Brett for general assistance. This study was aided financially by a general grant to one of us (R.F.W.G.) from the Agricultural Research Council.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Immunology

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