The Impact of Cohousing on Older Adults’ Quality of Life


Puplampu Vivian,Matthews Elise,Puplampu Gideon,Gross Murray,Pathak Sushila,Peters Sarah


ABSTRACTThe global population including Canada’s is aging, which demands planning for housing that will support older adults’ quality of life. This mixed-method study is the first Canadian study to examine the impact of cohousing on older adults’ quality of life and involved 23 participants. The older adults rated their quality of life very high, especially in the environmental, physical, and psychological domains of the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL_BREF) survey; quality of life in the social domain was rated low, which was surprising in light of the focus group data findings. Four themes of “belonging in a community”, “life in the community”, “changes associated with aging,” and “aging in place” emerged from the qualitative data to explain factors that influence older adults’ quality of life. This research provides foundational, strong evidence that seniors’ cohousing is an innovative housing solution that can support older adults’ quality of life.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Geriatrics and Gerontology,Community and Home Care,Gerontology,Health(social science)

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