Emotional cognition subgroups in unaffected first-degree relatives of patients with mood disorders


Kjærstad Hanne LieORCID,Varo CristinaORCID,Meluken IselinORCID,Vieta EduardORCID,Vinberg MajORCID,Kessing Lars VedelORCID,Miskowiak Kamilla WoznicaORCID


Abstract Background Patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) or bipolar disorder (BD) exhibit difficulties with emotional cognition even during remission. There is evidence for aberrant emotional cognition in unaffected relatives of patients with these mood disorders, but studies are conflicting. We aimed to investigate whether emotional cognition in unaffected first-degree relatives of patients with mood disorders is characterised by heterogeneity using a data-driven approach. Methods Data from 94 unaffected relatives (33 of MDD patients; 61 of BD patients) and 203 healthy controls were pooled from two cohort studies. Emotional cognition was assessed with the Social Scenarios Test, Facial Expression Recognition Test and Faces Dot-Probe Test. Hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted using emotional cognition data from the 94 unaffected relatives. The resulting emotional cognition clusters and controls were compared for emotional and non-emotional cognition, demographic characteristics and functioning. Results Two distinct clusters of unaffected relatives were identified: a relatively ‘emotionally preserved’ cluster (55%; 40% relatives of MDD probands) and an ‘emotionally blunted’ cluster (45%; 29% relatives of MDD probands). ‘Emotionally blunted’ relatives presented with poorer neurocognitive performance (global cognition p = 0.010), heightened subsyndromal mania symptoms (p = 0.004), lower years of education (p = 0.004) and difficulties with interpersonal functioning (p = 0.005) than controls, whereas ‘emotionally preserved’ relatives were comparable to controls on these measures. Conclusions Our findings show discrete emotional cognition profiles that occur across healthy first-degree relatives of patients with MDD and BD. These emotional cognition clusters may provide insight into emotional cognitive markers of genetically distinct subgroups of individuals at familial risk of mood disorders.


Sundhed og Sygdom, Det Frie Forskningsråd



Fonden til Lægevidenskabens Fremme

Augustinus Fonden

Købmand I Odense Johan og Hanne Weimann Født Seedorffs Legat




Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Psychiatry and Mental health,Applied Psychology

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1. Emotion regulation in bipolar disorder type-I: multivariate analysis of fMRI data;International Journal of Bipolar Disorders;2023-03-25








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